Jedi Mind Tricks: 9 Ways to Use The Force to Achieve Your Goals

For those not familiar with the ubiquitous Star Wars movie series, here’s a primer according to, “The Force is a mysterious energy field created by life that binds the galaxy together. Harnessing the power of The Force gives the Jedi, the Sith, and others sensitive to this spiritual energy extraordinary abilities, such as levitating objects, tricking minds, and seeing things before they happen”. I use the term “Jedi Mind Tricks” to refer to Jedis using The Force to influence thoughts for the purpose of encouraging positive behavior. When a Jedi performs a mind trick, he will often state his intention, use an authoritative tone of voice, and execute a specific gesture to accomplish this ultimate objective. 

What do Jedi mind tricks have to do with our daily lives? Well, how many times during the week (or even during a single day) do you find it difficult to accomplish even the most basic goals? Are there times when a simple task seems daunting? What can you do when you are exhausted or frustrated, or when will-power has fizzled? Answer: Use Jedi mind tricks on yourself! How great would it be if we could call upon mysterious Jedi to simply wave a hand, imparting upon us a fantastic ability to do things for a higher good? Here’s the thing: We have this Jedi capacity within ourselves! Over the years, I have come to learn of a plethora of “mind tricks”, things to do in the moment that can profoundly influence feelings and behaviors to give momentum to achieve both big and little things in life. The hacks, similar to Jedi mind tricks in the Star Wars movies, are the quickest ways to take control of your own mind and behavior whenever your thoughts and actions impede your goals. Try out the ones listed below!

star wars, lightsaber, laser sword
  1. Use the 5 Second Rule. Mel Robbins created a wonderful book series around this basic concept: Don’t allow yourself to hesitate, even for a minute, before doing something that you know you need or want to do. Countdown 5-4-3-2-1, then act immediately! The deceptively simple tool is the antidote to the poison of procrastination.
  2. Take deep breaths. Specifically, deep inhaling in through the nose and fully exhaling through the mouth works by stimulating the vagus nerve which encourages calm focus throughout the day.
  3. Redirect your inner dialogue. Using a wave of the hand, a Jedi will firmly command his opponent to take (or not take) a specific action. Using this strategy to redirect our mindstate, we can guide our internal dialogue to all things positive, productive, creative, uplifting and inspiring. 
  4. Repeat your intention. Stating your intention or plan clearly and out loud harnesses the power of suggestion. Speaking a wish or desired outcome as if it is a current fact can have a powerful effect on your expectations for a future outcome. Once you anticipate something, your thoughts and actions will align with your expectation.
  5. Stay cool. When The Force is used by Jedis, it’s always done calmly and with focus. Creating calm energy by managing stress helps improve concentration, memory, and mood which all serve to boost your productivity, efficiency, and overall vibe during the day.
  6. Be guided by a Greater Power. Channeling The Force (whether that be your experience, intuition, inner wisdom, or by a Higher Power) allows you to be powered towards beneficial, empowering, and constructive actions, rather than harmful, nonproductive, or destructive actions.
  7. Know your body language. Limits of a Jedi’s ability to use The Force are based on beliefs, emotional state, and overall ability. Similarly, Jedi mind tricks will be most effective when used in the setting of mental, physical, and spiritual, and environmental wellness. Pay attention to your body’s signals such as fatigue, overstimulation, sluggishness, fear, and anxiety.
  8. Use gestures.  Jedis often use both speech and gesture when using The Force to redirect behavior. They realize that talk and action often go hand-in-hand. Use hand or body motion as a way to reset your thoughts. For example, placing your hands in a prayer position, placing both palms at your heart center, or slowly lowering your hands in a downward motion as a cue to calm yourself can be powerful physical tools to change your attitude for the better. You can also use gestures to energize yourself. For example, clap your hands to psych yourself up (think professional athletes after a huddle).
  9. Psych yourself up. Psychological manipulation (in a good way) is the definition of a Jedi mind trick. In the Star Wars series, not everyone is receptive to Jedi mind tricks, but you should allow yourself to be. Allowing your mind to be open to the power of positive suggestion creates a more receptive environment for achieving your goals, no matter how big or small. For example, some studies have shown that simply imagining that a task is hard to do can, in fact, make it seem harder. In contrast, imagining yourself expertly achieving a goal and adeptly overcoming obstacles allows you to elevate what you experience mentally, leading to improved performance.

I encourage you to use these Jedi mind tricks as a way to create a more productive, focused, and positive mindstate in order to enhance your daily life and to achieve your goals. “May The Force be with you!”


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